Repast is a sensory interactive experience that explores the interconnectedness of nature and memory, inviting audiences to question their perceptual evaluation of the world.
A cinematic film shot in South Australia juxtaposes the natural world with a mirrored digital environment. Rendered using advanced 3D scanning and drone photogrammetry, the digital world continuously morphs the landscape's data points, highlighting the fragility and subjectivity of the viewer’s recollection of the past. Motion sensors allow the audience to interact directly with the artwork, further altering and reassembling the landscape, creating a sense of immersion and connection with the ever-changing environment.
Bespoke scent of the Australian landscape fills the space with field sounds captured in surround sound blended with a multichannel electronic + acoustic music score recorded by Australian classical musicians.
Repast was developed partly through a Ukaria Cultural Center residency, with support from Light ADL.

Repast premiered at Illuminate Adelaide 2023.


Creative Director + Executive Producer: Nicole Brady
Creative Technologist + Digital Artist: Piotr Stopniak
Cinematographer: Alexander Orlando Smith
Drone Photogrammetry: Dean Lever
Interactive Sound: Patrick Hartono, Nicole Brady
Sound Design + Immersive Mix: Bob Scott
Marketing + PR: Chantal Jesson



Selected Works

RepastInteractive installation


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